Rebell, Michael A. (mar224)

Rebell, Michael A.

Professor of Law and Educational Practice
Executive Director, Center for Educational Equity

Office Location:

1373 InterCh

Office Hours:

Wednesdays 2:00-4:00pm

Educational Background

  • A.B. Magna Cum Laude, Harvard College
  • J.D., Yale Law School

Scholarly Interests

  • Equity in Education
  • Role of the Courts in Institutional Reform Litigations
  • Civic Education
  • Comprehensive Educational Opportunity ( "Whole child" services for students from poverty backgrounds)

Selected Publications

  •  Flunking Democracy: Schools, Courts and Civic Participation ( U of Chicago Press, 2018).
  • Courts and Kids: Pursuing Educational Equity Through the State Courts ( U of Chicago Press, 2009)
  • Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity( with Jessica  R.  Wolff) ( Teachers College Press, 2008)
  • Equality and Education (with Arthur R. Block), Princeton University Press, 1985.
  • Educational Policy Making and the Courts: An Empirical Study of Judicial Activism M (with Arthur R. Block), University of Chicago Press, 1982.

Articles and Chapters:        
  • "The Right to Education in American State Courts" in The Future of Economic and Social rights ( Katherine Young, ed,.) ( Cambridge U. Press, 2019.)
  • Education to Unify:US  New York Daily News, October 7, 2018)
  • Preparation for Citizenship: The Schools' Primary Responsibility, Phi Delta Kappan, November, 2018
  • The Courts' Consensus: Money Does Matter for Education, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,( October, 2017)
  • Safeguarding the Right to Sound Basic Education in Times of Fiscal Constraint, 75 Albany Law Review ( 2012)
  • The Right to Comprehensive Educational opportunity, 47 Harvard Civil rights-Civil Liberties Law Review  49 (2012)
  • When Schools Depend on Handouts, New York Times, Op-Ed, August 26, 2011 ( with Jessica R. Wolff).
  • Forum: Many Schools are Still Inadequate, Now What?, Education Next, Volume 9, No. 4, Fall 2009  (with Eric Hanushek and Alfred Lindseth)
  • Poverty, Meaningful Educational Opportunity and the Necessary Role of the Courts,85 North Carolina Law Review 102  (2007).
  • Adequacy Litigations: A New Path to Equity in Janice Petrovich and Amy Stuart Wells, eds., Bringing Equity Back: Research for a New Era in American Educational Policy (Teachers College Press, 2005)
 Wednesdays  2-4 and by appointment.
Office: Suite 1373, Interchurch Bldg, 120th and Claremeont Ave.



  • Courts and Kids: Pursuing Educational Equity Through the State Courts ( U of Chicago Press, 2009)
  • NCLB at the Crossroads: Reexamining the Federal Effort to Close the Achievement Gap ( with Jessica R. Wolff ( Teachers College Press, 2009)
  • Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity ( with Jessica R. Wolff) ( Teachers College Press, 2008)
  • Equality and Education (with Arthur R. Block), Princeton University Press, 1985.
  • Educational Policy Making and the Courts: An Empirical Study of judicial ACTIVISM (with Arthur R. Block), University of Chicago Press, 1982.
  • Government and Power in West Africa (with Robert S. Jordan and Caroline Ifeka), Faber and Faber, London, 1969; Africana Publishers, New York, 1969.



  •   Safeguarding the Right to Sound Basic Education in Times of Fiscal Constraint, Vol. 75, ALBANY LAW REVIEW (2012)


  •        The Right to Comprehensive Educational opportunity, 47 harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review 49 (2012)


  • Educational Opportunity Is Achievable and Affordable, Phi Delta Kappan, volume 93, Issue 6, pp. 62-65, (March, 2012)( with Jessica R. Wolff).


·       We Can Overcome Poverty’s Impact on School Success, Education Week,Volume 31, Issue 17, pp. 24-25 ( January 18, 2012) ( with Jessica R. Wolff).


·       When Schools Depend on Handouts, N.Y Times, Op-Ed, August 26, 2011 ( with Jessica R. Wolff).


·       CFE v. State of New York: Past, Present, and Future, 13 NYSBA Gov’t Law & Pol’y J.24 ( Summer, 2011)


·       Judicial Activism and Public Policy, The Judges journal, volume 50, no.1, March, 2011.


·       The Kids Are Not Alright, The american Interest, Volume VI, No. 3, January/February, 2011


·       Budget Cuts and Kids’ Constitutional Rights,  Teachers College Record, May 10, 2010, , No. 15972


·        Educational Budget Cuts: Unconscionable ---- and Unconstitutional, Huffington Post, February 8, 2010.

·        Forum: Many Schools are Still Inadequate, Now What?, Education Next, Volume 9, No. 4, Fall 2009 9 with Eric Hanushek and Alfred Lindseth


·        Assessing ‘Success’ in School Finance Litigations, Education Week, Volume 28, Issue 36, Online, july 8, 2009 ( with bruce d. baker).


·        Slashing the City Schools Budget is Illegal, Unfair and Unwise, New York Daily News, December 19, 2008


·        City Breaks Faith With Schools, New York Daily News, May 25, 2008

·        Sleepless After Seattle? There’s Still Hope For Equal Educational Opportunity,  EDUCATION WEEK, 32-33 ( February 13, 2008).


·        Equal opportunity and the Courts, PHI DELTA KAPPAN, Volume 89, Number 6, 432-439 ( 2008).


Ÿ         Poverty, “Meaningful” Educational Opportunity, and the Necessary Role of the Courts, NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW  Volume 85, 1467-1543 ( 2007)


Ÿ         The Need for Comprehensive Educational Equity, inTHE PRICE WE PAY: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE EDUCATION ( Clive R. Belfield and Henry M. Levin, Eds), Brookings Institution Press, 2007.


Ÿ         Toward a Comprehensive System of Education for All Children, TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD Volume 109, Number 7, 1836-1843 (2007) ( with Edmund W. Gordon)


Ÿ         Professional Rigor, Public Engagement and Judicial Review: A Proposal For Enhancing The Validity of Education Adequacy Studies, TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD Volume 109, Number 6, 1303-1373 (2007)


·         Rush to Slash Class Size Will Hurt Our Schools, THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS,     April 23, 2007


·          School Desegregation: Vital for Educational Equity ---- and for Judicial Integrity, THE  PUBLIC SQUARE, March, 2007 (with Amy Stuart Wells)


Ÿ         Nix Mike’s Flawed School Funding Fix, THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, January 25, 2007.


Ÿ         Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Weighted-Student Funding Is Not the ‘100 Percent Solution,’ EDUCATION WEEK, November 29, 2006 (with Bruce Baker)



Ÿ         Adequacy Cost Studies: Perspectives on the State of the Art, EDUCATION FINANCE AND POLICY, Volume 1, no. 4, 465-483  (fall, 2006)

 Stuck in the Stone Age: By Ignoring the Court, Pataki Holds Back City Schools, THE NEW YORK  TIMES, May 1, 2005

  • Adequacy Litigations: A New Path to Equity in Janice Petrovich and Amy Stuart Wells, eds., BRINGING EQUITY BACK: RESEARCH FOR A NEW ERA IN AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL POLICY (Teachers College Press, 2005)
  • Proposed Budgets Still Ignore School Kids, ALBANY TIMES UNION, March 26, 2005
  • Court-Ordered Reform of New York State School Aid in Lauri Johnson, Mary E. Finn and Rebecca Lewis, eds. URBAN EDUCATION WITH AN ATTITUDE (State University of New York Press, 2005).
  • Ensuring Educational Opportunity for All Our Kids, EDUCATION WEEK, Aug 11, 2004
  • Book Note, Peter Shrag, Final Test: The Battle for Adequacy in America's Schools, 79 PEABODY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 141-143 (2004).
  • Highly Qualified" Teachers: Pretense or Legal Requirement? 85 PHI DELTA KAPPAN 690 (May, 2004) (with Molly Hunter).
  • Remarks, Symposium: Brown v. Board of Education at Fifty: Have We Achieved Its Goals? 78ST. JOHN'S LAW REVIEW, 263-275 ( 2004).
  • Of Course Money Matters: Why the Arguments to the Contrary Never Added Up, (CFE, January, 2004) (with Joseph J. Wardenski).
  • Education Adequacy, Democracy and the Courts in Christopher Edley, Timothy Ready and Catherine Snow, eds., ACHIEVING HIGH EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS FOR ALL  ( National Academy Press, 2002).
  • Rapid Response, Radical Reform: The Story of School Finance Litigation in Vermont 31 JOURNAL OF LAW & EDUCATION 167 (2002) (with Jeffrey Metzler).
  • Discussion: Do State Governments Matter? in EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY: MEETING THE CHALLENGES OF A CHANGING WORLD (Yolanda K. Kodrycki, ed.; Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, June 2002).
  • Funding Quality Education in New York 72 THE CPA JOURNAL 30 (Feb, 2002) (with Joseph J. Wardenski).
  • Still Shortchanging the City's Schools, THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 26, 2002.
  • The Continuing Imperative For Education Equity, EDUCATION WEEK, April 24, 2002.
  • Book Review: On Equal Terms: The Constitutional Politics of Educational Opportunity. Douglas S. Reed. Princeton University Press, 2001. 256 pp.  104  TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD 986 (2002), http//, Id No. 10854.
  • Fiscal Equity Litigation and the Democratic Imperative 24 Journal of Education Finance 23 (1998).
  • Commentary - Rodriguez Revisited: An Optimists' View  1998 ANNUAL REVIEW OF AMERICAN LAW, Issue 2, 289 (1998).
  • Efficacy and Engagement: The Remedies Problem Posed by Sheff v. O'Neill -- And a Proposed Solution (with Robert L. Hughes) 29 Connecticut Law Review 1115 (1997).
  • Special Educational Inclusion and the Courts: A Proposal for a New Remedial Approach (with Robert L. Hughes) 25 Journal of Law & Education 523 (1996).
  • Schools, Communities and the Courts: A Dialogic Approach to Education Reform, (with Robert L. Hughes) 14 Yale Law & Policy Review 99  (1996).
  • Fiscal Equity in Education:  Deconstructing the Reigning Myths and Facing Reality 21 New York University Review of Law & Social Change 301 (1995).
  • Tinker, Hazelwood and the Remedial Role of the Courts in Education Litigation, 69 ST. JOHN'S LAW REVIEW 539 (1995).
  • Values Engagement and the Schools, Institute for American Values Working Paper, 1993.
  • National Values and Community Values, Part I: Gender Equity and Education, (with Anne W. Murdaugh), 21 Journal of Law & Education 155 (1992).
  • National Values and Community Values, Part II: Equal Educational Opportunity for Limited English Proficient Students, (with Anne W. Murdaugh), 21 Journal of Law & Education 335 (1992).
  • Teacher Performance Assessment: The Changing State of the Law, 5 Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 227 (1991).
  • Special Education and the Court's New Role in Justice and School Systems:  The Role of the Courts in Education Litigation (Flicker, B., ed.,Temple University Press,1990).
  • Legal Issues Concerning Teacher Evaluation in Handbook on Teacher Evaluation (Darling-Hammond, L. & Millman, J., eds., National Council on Measurement in Education and Sage Publishing Co., 1990).
  • Schools, Values and the Courts, 7 Yale Law & Policy Review 275 (1989).
  • Values Inculcation and the Schools:  The Need for a New Pierce Compromise in Public Values, Private Schools (N. Devins, ed., Stanford U. Series on Education & Public Policy, 1989).
  • Testing, Public Policy and the Courts in Test Policy and the Politics of Opportunity Allocation: The Workplace and the Law (B. Gifford, ed., National Commission on Testing and Public Policy and Keunder-Nighoff Publishing Co., 1989).
  • Legal Issues Concerning Bias in Testing in Bias Issues in Teacher Certification (Allan R., Nassif, P. and Elliot, M., eds., 1988).
  • Structural Discrimination and the Rights of the Disabled, 74 Georgetown Law Journal 1435 (1986).
  • Disparate Impact of Teacher Competency Testing on Minorities:  Don't Blame the Test-Takers -- or the Tests, 4 Yale Law & Policy Review 375 (1986).
  • Recent Legal Issues in Competency Testing for Teachers in Testing for Teacher Certification (Gorth, W. & Chernoff, M., eds., 1985).
  • Faculty Desegregation:  The Law and Its Implementation (with Arthur R. Block), ERIC/CUE Urban Directory Services Monograph No. 86, Fall, 1983.
  • The Courts' New Role, Social Policy, Spring, 1982.
  • Educational Voucher Reform:  Empirical Insights from the Experience of New York's Schools for the Handicapped, 14 Urban Lawyer 441 (1982).
  • Implementation of Court Mandates Concerning Special Education:  The Problems and the Potential, 10 Journal of Law & Education 335 (1981).
  • Competence Assessment and the Courts:  An Overview of the State of the Law (with Arthur R. Block), in The Assessment of Occupational Competence, ERIC Document No. ED 192-169, 1980.
  • Non-Public Schools for Special education in New York State:  An Experiment in Alternative Education, The Forum, June, 1979. 
  • Recent Developments in Equal Employment Opportunity Law and Their effect on Teacher Credentialing Practices, A.A.C.T.E. Annual Meeting Proceedings, Washington, D.C., 1977.
  • The Law, the Courts and Teacher Credentialing Reform in Licensing and Accreditation in Education (Levitov, N., ed., 1976).
  • Dropout Prevention:  A Legal Route, New York University Education Quarterly, Winter 1975.
  • New York City's School Decentralization Law, Two and Half Years Later, 2 Journal of Law & Education 1 (1973).
  • Undisclosed Informant Information and the Fourth Amendment:  A Search for Meaningful Standards, 81 Yale Law Journal 703 (1972).
  • Community Development in Africa, Peace Corps Volunteer, July 1967.

Related Articles

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Michael Rebell to Lead Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College

Michael A. Rebell, "lead counsel and strategist in the nation's most prominent school finance lawsuit has been named to lead the newly launched Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College, Columbia University. The Campaign seeks to overcome the gap in educational access and achievement between America's most and least advantaged students.

TC for the Plaintiffs: Court Declares State Deprives City Students 'A Sound Basic Education' - Annual Report 2001

On January 10, a New York State judge, Leland DeGrasse of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan, declared the state's method of financing public schools illegal, saying it deprives New York City students a "sound, basic education" guaranteed by the State Constitution.

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Equity Symposium to Present Research

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Rebell Says Pataki Continues to Ignore Court Mandate

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The Achievement Gap Has Its Cost

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Campaign for Educational Equity Launches Web Site

"The web site is intended as a resource and partnership with the TC community, said Michael A. Rebell, Executive Director of the Campaign. "The goal is to provide timely and useful information on the many issues affecting educational equity."

Legislature told to provide NYC schools billions in new funds by April 1

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The Campaign's Executive Director to Call for Research-Driven Approach to Fixing No Child Left Behind Act

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Equity Symposium to Focus on NCLB at Midpoint

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The Gaps Don't Seem to Be Closing

Teachers College President Susan Fuhrman set the stage for a two-day marathon in which researchers presented new data about NCLB and debated whether and how to fix the law, which was first enacted in 2002.

Equity Symposium Asks: Can School Finance Suits in State Courts Safeguard Brown v. Board of Ed? Should They?

Since June 2007, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down plans by Seattle and Louisville, Kentucky to maintain racial balance in their public schools, many have seen the nation's education adequacy movement -- the growing wave of lawsuits in state courts that are winning more money for under-funded school districts -- as "the only game in town" for protecting the interests of poor and minority students.

Pursuing equal educational opportunity in a post-Brown world

TC's Equity Symposium asks: Can the state finance suits fill the gap as the Supreme Court retreats on integration?

Thinking Big About How to Close the Gap

At TC's Fourth Annual Symposium on Educational Equity, a star-studded cast of researchers, educators and policymakers argued for nothing less than a full-scale attempt to combat poverty and its attendant ills. Michael A. Rebell, Executive Director of TC's Campaign for Educational Equity, which organized and hosted the symposium, argued that access for children and families to what he calls "comprehensive educational equity" -- in essence, a full range of services -- should be viewed as a moral, statutory and constitutional right.

It's Not Just Academic

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Rebell on The Open Mind; Levin and Rebell on WNYC

On Saturday, October 22nd, Michael Rebell, Executive Director of The Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College, appeared on the talk show "The Open Mind," on Channel 13. See the show in it's entirety.

The End of an Era

Arthur Levine had much to report in his annual State of the College address on September 14, but he saved the biggest news for last: he will step down as the Colleges President on July 1, 2006. His departure will cap a 12-year run during which the College tripled its endowment; refurbished and rehabilitated its physical plant; reorganized its academic departments and strengthened its faculty and Board of Trustees; conducted the largest capital campaign ever undertaken by a graduate school of education; and adopted a new mission focused on educational equity.

A Campaign for Equity: Across the State

Michael Rebell and the Campaign for Fiscal Equity are finishing what Brown v. the Board of Education started. Come to TC and take his class.

A Call to Arms

Congressman Charles Rangel and Teachers College President Arthur Levine issued a joint call for the creation of greater incentives for highly qualified teachers to work in New York City's most challenging schools. Speaking on the eve of the new school year, the two - who were joined by a panel of other speakers - aimed their message at both the New York City Department of Education and the United Federation of Teachers, who are in the midst of negotiating a new contract for the city's teachers.

A Line Up of Champions

This year Teachers College is awarding eight Teachers College Medals for Distinguished Service at two master's degree ceremonies on May 17, and the Cleveland A. Dodge Medal for Distinguished Service to Education at the doctoral ceremony on May 18.

Champion of School Funding to Speak at New York State League of Women Voters Symposium

"New York State continues to fail to provide students with their constitutional right -- the cost of which, to both the individual and to society, is enormous," says Michael Rebell

Cost of Inadequate Education to Society Is Hundreds of Billions of Dollars, Researchers Say

Symposium at Teachers College, Columbia University, to offer solutions; event inaugurates The Campaign for Educational Equity

Democrats outline education agenda priorities

Incoming Democrats have pledged to make several key changes to education funding, while at the same time trying fulfill a pledge to offset new spending with cuts elswhere or new taxes to avoid increasing the defecit.

Dropouts Cost U.S. $84 Billion Annually

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Early Visits Lure Disadvantaged Students Into College

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Klein touts NYC gains at TC Colloquium

At a Teachers College colloquium this past week sponsored by TC's Office of Policy and Research, Joel Klein, New York City's Education Chancellor, outlined gains New York City has made for its public school students via increasing mayoral control of the school system.

New Books from TC Faculty

With works on topics ranging from education policy research to arts administration, the College's faculty have been prolific in 2007--08. Here's a look at some of their oeuvre.

Rebell Criticizes Mayor's New Funding Formula

Campaign Executive Director criticizes Mayor Bloomberg's proposed funding formula in today's Daily News. "The plan unveiled last week by Mayor Bloomberg for further restructuring of the New York City school system has many good points, but the proposal to alter the city's school financing system is not one of them," said Rebell.

Rebell Faces Off with Hoover Fellow over Costing-Out Studies in School Finance Cases

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Rebell Heads New TC Campaign

Public education advocate Michael Rebell was appointed head of a Teachers College campaign created to bring education research out of the ivory tower and into the cityóó-'ó-'ós public schools.

Sobol v. Sobol

On the issue of educational equity, Tom Sobol is an unabashed friend of the people. On the the issue of Tom Sobol, he takes a tougher line.

Solutions to Global Health Disparities are Focus of Teachers College Conference

Cancer Care Pioneer James Prochaska to Deliver Keynote Address

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The Equity Info Source

When you take on a project like suing New York State on behalf of 1 million school children, it helps to be able to rally good people to your cause. Fortunately, Michael Rebell, co-founder and for years the guiding spirit of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity (the plaintiff in the nation's most prominent school finance lawsuit), has that knack. And of all the people Rebell has collected over the years, none has proven more valuable than Molly Hunter.

Tisch and Rebell Lead Campaign to Washington

Michael Rebell views the work of The Campaign as a natural outgrowth of school finance lawsuits like New York's, the timing of the New York appropriation vote and The Campaign's rollout on Capitol Hill perfectly illustrated the link between his old job and his new one.

Tough Questions, Provocative Answers, Lively Debate

TC's Equity Forum Are Packing in the Crowds-'"and Outlining the Future of Education Research

Getting Better All the Time

Teachers College "has always been an incredibly policy-rich environment," says Sharon Lynn Kagan, who was named TC's first Associate Dean for Policy and head of the newly created Office of Policy and Research (OPR) in 2004. "Now we're making it an easier place to navigate, and that's one more reason why we're becoming the institute of choice both for users of policy research and for policy students."

Only the Bathwater -- Or the Baby, Too?

If there was a central question at issue during the College's recent two-day symposium on the federal No Child Left Behind Act, it was if the country should set its sights on more realistic achievement targets than NCLB presently endorses.

School budgets

As federal aid lapses, districts face tough choices

Michael Rebell in the Daily News: Cuomo's Obligation to your Kids. Jan. 6, 2014

TC's Michael Rebell to Gov. Cuomo "Fund Schools, not Tax Cuts." The Executive Director of the Campaign for Educational Equity writes in The New York Daily News that if Cuomo's estimated $2 billion surplus is real, the state should start paying down its $4 billion debt to schools.

TC's Michael Rebell to Gov. Cuomo "Fund Schools, not Tax Cuts"

The Executive Director of the Campaign for Educational Equity writes in The New York Daily News that if Cuomo's estimated $2 billion surplus is real, the state should start paying down its $4 billion debt to schools.

TC's Rebell: U.S. "Closer to Racial Equity Than We Were 50 Years Ago"

But we are much "further from Martin Luther King's vision of equal educational opportunity than we should and could be."

Michael Rebell

Professor of Law and Education

Michael Rebell: "Nation at Risk" Gave Us Standards Movement

The Professor of Law and Education and Head of the Campaign for Educational Equity, said the report was a "blunt" assessment of weakness in American education that still resonates 30 years later.

Michael Rebell Publishes New Article on Judicial Responses to Budget Cuts

In an extensive treatise published in the Albany Law Review, Rebell writes that every federal and state court, in years past and since the 2008 recession, has found that "constitutional rights cannot be put on hold because of a recession."

Gov. Cuomo Establishes Education Reform Commission: Rebell to Press Funding and Equity Issues

Governor Cuomo Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order yesterday creating the New York Education Reform Commission. Michael A. Rebell, executive director of the Campaign for Educational Equity, will be one of the commissioners.

Three with TC Ties Named to New NY Education Reform Commission

Governor Cuomo has picked Michael Rebell, John B. King, Jr. and Eduardo Marti to serve on a new commission that will recommend new reforms for public schools throughout the state.

Michael Rebell's "The Right to Comprehensive Educational Opportunity" is Published by the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review

In this March, 2012 Harvard Civil Rights-'"Civil Liberties Law Review article, Rebell seeks to establish a statutory and Constitutional basis for the right to a comprehensive educational opportunity for all children in the United States.

On NY1's Inside City Hall, TC's Michael Rebell Says State Still Delinquent in Court-Ordered Payments to Public Schools

The Director of the Campaign for Educational Equity told Inside City Hall's Errol Lewis that children have a Constitutional right to a good education.

Rebell, Wolff: "America does not have a general education crisis; we have a poverty crisis."

Michael Rebell, Professor of Law and Education Practice, and Jessica Wolff, Director of TC's Comprehensive Educational Opportunity Project, write in Education Week that America will attain educational equity only by addressing "substantial socioeconomic barriers" that limit school success for many.

GothamSchools reports that Campaign's Comprehensive Plan Tries Persuasion Instead of Litigation

Michael Rebell, an attorney and director of the Campaign for Educational Equity, told the New York City school news blog that his organization's call for funding of comprehensive education support services for poor children aims to win policymakers' hearts and minds.

TC's Rebell Says California Class Action Settlement "Recognized Right to Adequate Education"

But, the Executive Director of TC's Campaign for Educational Equity told Educationnext that the impact of last January's settlement, which ended seniority-based layoffs at 45 under-performing schools in Los Angeles, should not have national effects.

Rebell Talks to NPR's "The Takeaway" About the National Public School Funding Crisis

The Director of the Campaign for Educational Equity was interviewed on August 29 by Celeste Headlee on WNYC Radio about the impact of shrinking school budgets across the nation.

TC's Rebell Calls NY School Funding Cuts Illegal

In the New York Daily News, the professor of education and law and a lead attorney for the Campaign for Fiscal Equity case in New York, argues that Governor Cuomo's proposed budget violates New York State's constitution.

US Secretary of Education Appoints Rebell to Equity and Excellence Commission

Michael Rebell, professor of education law at TC and an adjunct professor at Columbia Law School, is a national legal expert on school equity law.

Rebell, Henig Weigh In On Federal Teachers Jobs Bill

On August 10, President Obama signed an emergency bill authorizing $10 billion in funding for states to head off tens of thousands of teacher layoffs. Here TC's Michael Rebell and Jeffrey Henig assess some of the bill's pros and cons.

Educational Budget Cuts: Unconscionable - And Unconstitutional

Writing in The Huffington Post, Michael Rebell, Executive Director of The Campaign for Educational Equity, based at Teachers College, argues that children's right to a quality education, as guaranteed by state constitutions, does not evaporate in times of fiscal crisis.

Rebell Tracks Federal Education Bailout Funds on WNYC

Michael Rebell, director of TC's Campaign for Educational Equity, rates the after federal education stimulus package with WNYC's Brian Lehrer.

Equity Symposium: Federal Education Money Plugging Budget Holes But Not Advancing Equity

The annual Equity Symposium unveiled research showing that $100 billion in federal funds going to states for school systems is not advancing equity for poor students. To read a New York Times story on research being presented at the symposium, see To read an op-ed in The Huffington Post by TC's Michael Rebell on the unconstitutionality of current school budget cuts, see

TC's Rebell Says Governor's School Budget Cuts are Unconstitutional

New York Governor Paterson announced on Tuesday five-percent cuts to state allocations to public schools. Michael Rebell, Executive Director of the Campaign for Educational Equity at TC, says the cuts would violate New York State's constitution.

TC President, 11 Faculty Make 2014 EduScholar Public Influence Rankings

Rankings by Rick Hess, education blogger for the American Enterprise Institute, include President Susan Fuhrman and Thomas Bailey, Jeff Henig, Luis Huerta, Sharon Lynn Kagan, Hank Levin, Ernest Morrell, Aaron Pallas, Michael Rebell, Judith Scott-Clayton, Amy Stuart Wells and Penny Wohlstetter. Hess annually ranks university scholars by their contributions to public debates about education.

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