Rebell, Michael A.
Office Location:
1373 InterChOffice Hours:
Wednesdays 2:00-4:00pmEducational Background
- A.B. Magna Cum Laude, Harvard College
- J.D., Yale Law School
Scholarly Interests
- Equity in Education
- Role of the Courts in Institutional Reform Litigations
- Civic Education
- Comprehensive Educational Opportunity ( "Whole child" services for students from poverty backgrounds)
Selected Publications
- Flunking Democracy: Schools, Courts and Civic Participation ( U of Chicago Press, 2018).
- Courts and Kids: Pursuing Educational Equity Through the State Courts ( U of Chicago Press, 2009)
- Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity( with Jessica R. Wolff) ( Teachers College Press, 2008)
- Equality and Education (with Arthur R. Block), Princeton University Press, 1985.
- Educational Policy Making and the Courts: An Empirical Study of Judicial Activism M (with Arthur R. Block), University of Chicago Press, 1982.
Articles and Chapters:
- "The Right to Education in American State Courts" in The Future of Economic and Social rights ( Katherine Young, ed,.) ( Cambridge U. Press, 2019.)
- Education to Unify:US New York Daily News, October 7, 2018)
- Preparation for Citizenship: The Schools' Primary Responsibility, Phi Delta Kappan, November, 2018
- The Courts' Consensus: Money Does Matter for Education, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,( October, 2017)
- Safeguarding the Right to Sound Basic Education in Times of Fiscal Constraint, 75 Albany Law Review ( 2012)
- The Right to Comprehensive Educational opportunity, 47 Harvard Civil rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 49 (2012)
- When Schools Depend on Handouts, New York Times, Op-Ed, August 26, 2011 ( with Jessica R. Wolff).
- Forum: Many Schools are Still Inadequate, Now What?, Education Next, Volume 9, No. 4, Fall 2009 (with Eric Hanushek and Alfred Lindseth)
- Poverty, Meaningful Educational Opportunity and the Necessary Role of the Courts,85 North Carolina Law Review 102 (2007).
- Adequacy Litigations: A New Path to Equity in Janice Petrovich and Amy Stuart Wells, eds., Bringing Equity Back: Research for a New Era in American Educational Policy (Teachers College Press, 2005)
Office Hours
Principal Publications
- Courts and Kids: Pursuing Educational Equity Through the State Courts ( U of Chicago Press, 2009)
- NCLB at the Crossroads: Reexamining the Federal Effort to Close the Achievement Gap ( with Jessica R. Wolff ( Teachers College Press, 2009)
- Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity ( with Jessica R. Wolff) ( Teachers College Press, 2008)
- Equality and Education (with Arthur R. Block), Princeton University Press, 1985.
- Educational Policy Making and the Courts: An Empirical Study of judicial ACTIVISM (with Arthur R. Block), University of Chicago Press, 1982.
- Government and Power in West Africa (with Robert S. Jordan and Caroline Ifeka), Faber and Faber, London, 1969; Africana Publishers, New York, 1969.
- Safeguarding the Right to Sound Basic Education in Times of Fiscal Constraint, Vol. 75, ALBANY LAW REVIEW (2012)
- The Right to Comprehensive Educational opportunity, 47 harvard civil rights-civil liberties law review 49 (2012)
- Educational Opportunity Is Achievable and Affordable, Phi Delta Kappan, volume 93, Issue 6, pp. 62-65, (March, 2012)( with Jessica R. Wolff).
· We Can Overcome Poverty’s Impact on School Success, Education Week,Volume 31, Issue 17, pp. 24-25 ( January 18, 2012) ( with Jessica R. Wolff).
· When Schools Depend on Handouts, N.Y Times, Op-Ed, August 26, 2011 ( with Jessica R. Wolff).
· CFE v. State of New York: Past, Present, and Future, 13 NYSBA Gov’t Law & Pol’y J.24 ( Summer, 2011)
· Judicial Activism and Public Policy, The Judges journal, volume 50, no.1, March, 2011.
· The Kids Are Not Alright, The american Interest, Volume VI, No. 3, January/February, 2011
· Budget Cuts and Kids’ Constitutional Rights, Teachers College Record, May 10, 2010, , No. 15972
· Educational Budget Cuts: Unconscionable ---- and Unconstitutional, Huffington Post, February 8, 2010.
· Forum: Many Schools are Still Inadequate, Now What?, Education Next, Volume 9, No. 4, Fall 2009 9 with Eric Hanushek and Alfred Lindseth
· Assessing ‘Success’ in School Finance Litigations, Education Week, Volume 28, Issue 36, Online, july 8, 2009 ( with bruce d. baker).
· Slashing the City Schools Budget is Illegal, Unfair and Unwise, New York Daily News, December 19, 2008
· City Breaks Faith With Schools, New York Daily News, May 25, 2008
· Sleepless After Seattle? There’s Still Hope For Equal Educational Opportunity, EDUCATION WEEK, 32-33 ( February 13, 2008).
· Equal opportunity and the Courts, PHI DELTA KAPPAN, Volume 89, Number 6, 432-439 ( 2008).
Ÿ Poverty, “Meaningful” Educational Opportunity, and the Necessary Role of the Courts, NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW Volume 85, 1467-1543 ( 2007)
Ÿ The Need for Comprehensive Educational Equity, inTHE PRICE WE PAY: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE EDUCATION ( Clive R. Belfield and Henry M. Levin, Eds), Brookings Institution Press, 2007.
Ÿ Toward a Comprehensive System of Education for All Children, TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD Volume 109, Number 7, 1836-1843 (2007) ( with Edmund W. Gordon)
Ÿ Professional Rigor, Public Engagement and Judicial Review: A Proposal For Enhancing The Validity of Education Adequacy Studies, TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD Volume 109, Number 6, 1303-1373 (2007)
· Rush to Slash Class Size Will Hurt Our Schools, THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, April 23, 2007
· School Desegregation: Vital for Educational Equity ---- and for Judicial Integrity, THE PUBLIC SQUARE, March, 2007 (with Amy Stuart Wells)
Ÿ Nix Mike’s
Ÿ Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Weighted-Student Funding Is Not the ‘100 Percent Solution,’ EDUCATION WEEK, November 29, 2006 (with Bruce Baker)
Stuck in the Stone Age: By Ignoring the Court, Pataki Holds Back City Schools, THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 1, 2005
- Adequacy Litigations: A New Path to Equity in Janice Petrovich and Amy Stuart Wells, eds., BRINGING EQUITY BACK: RESEARCH FOR A NEW ERA IN AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL POLICY (Teachers College Press, 2005)
- Proposed Budgets Still Ignore School Kids, ALBANY TIMES UNION, March 26, 2005
- Court-Ordered Reform of New York State School Aid in Lauri Johnson, Mary E. Finn and Rebecca Lewis, eds. URBAN EDUCATION WITH AN ATTITUDE (State University of New York Press, 2005).
- Ensuring Educational Opportunity for All Our Kids, EDUCATION WEEK, Aug 11, 2004
- Book Note, Peter Shrag, Final Test: The Battle for Adequacy in America's Schools, 79 PEABODY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 141-143 (2004).
- Highly Qualified" Teachers: Pretense or Legal Requirement? 85 PHI DELTA KAPPAN 690 (May, 2004) (with Molly Hunter).
- Remarks, Symposium: Brown v. Board of Education at Fifty: Have We Achieved Its Goals? 78ST. JOHN'S LAW REVIEW, 263-275 ( 2004).
- Of Course Money Matters: Why the Arguments to the Contrary Never Added Up, (CFE, January, 2004) (with Joseph J. Wardenski).
- Education Adequacy, Democracy and the Courts in Christopher Edley, Timothy Ready and Catherine Snow, eds., ACHIEVING HIGH EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS FOR ALL ( National Academy Press, 2002).
- Rapid Response, Radical Reform: The Story of School Finance Litigation in Vermont 31 JOURNAL OF LAW & EDUCATION 167 (2002) (with Jeffrey Metzler).
- Discussion: Do State Governments Matter? in EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY: MEETING THE CHALLENGES OF A CHANGING WORLD (Yolanda K. Kodrycki, ed.; Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, June 2002).
- Funding Quality Education in New York 72 THE CPA JOURNAL 30 (Feb, 2002) (with Joseph J. Wardenski).
- Still Shortchanging the City's Schools, THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 26, 2002.
- The Continuing Imperative For Education Equity, EDUCATION WEEK, April 24, 2002.
- Book Review: On Equal Terms: The Constitutional Politics of Educational Opportunity. Douglas S. Reed. Princeton University Press, 2001. 256 pp. 104 TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD 986 (2002), http//, Id No. 10854.
- Fiscal Equity Litigation and the Democratic Imperative 24 Journal of Education Finance 23 (1998).
- Commentary - Rodriguez Revisited: An Optimists' View 1998 ANNUAL REVIEW OF AMERICAN LAW, Issue 2, 289 (1998).
- Efficacy and Engagement: The Remedies Problem Posed by Sheff v. O'Neill -- And a Proposed Solution (with Robert L. Hughes) 29 Connecticut Law Review 1115 (1997).
- Special Educational Inclusion and the Courts: A Proposal for a New Remedial Approach (with Robert L. Hughes) 25 Journal of Law & Education 523 (1996).
- Schools, Communities and the Courts: A Dialogic Approach to Education Reform, (with Robert L. Hughes) 14 Yale Law & Policy Review 99 (1996).
- Fiscal Equity in Education: Deconstructing the Reigning Myths and Facing Reality 21 New York University Review of Law & Social Change 301 (1995).
- Tinker, Hazelwood and the Remedial Role of the Courts in Education Litigation, 69 ST. JOHN'S LAW REVIEW 539 (1995).
- Values Engagement and the Schools, Institute for American Values Working Paper, 1993.
- National Values and Community Values, Part I: Gender Equity and Education, (with Anne W. Murdaugh), 21 Journal of Law & Education 155 (1992).
- National Values and Community Values, Part II: Equal Educational Opportunity for Limited English Proficient Students, (with Anne W. Murdaugh), 21 Journal of Law & Education 335 (1992).
- Teacher Performance Assessment: The Changing State of the Law, 5 Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 227 (1991).
- Special Education and the Court's New Role in Justice and School Systems: The Role of the Courts in Education Litigation (Flicker, B., ed.,Temple University Press,1990).
- Legal Issues Concerning Teacher Evaluation in Handbook on Teacher Evaluation (Darling-Hammond, L. & Millman, J., eds., National Council on Measurement in Education and Sage Publishing Co., 1990).
- Schools, Values and the Courts, 7 Yale Law & Policy Review 275 (1989).
- Values Inculcation and the Schools: The Need for a New Pierce Compromise in Public Values, Private Schools (N. Devins, ed., Stanford U. Series on Education & Public Policy, 1989).
- Testing, Public Policy and the Courts in Test Policy and the Politics of Opportunity Allocation: The Workplace and the Law (B. Gifford, ed., National Commission on Testing and Public Policy and Keunder-Nighoff Publishing Co., 1989).
- Legal Issues Concerning Bias in Testing in Bias Issues in Teacher Certification (Allan R., Nassif, P. and Elliot, M., eds., 1988).
- Structural Discrimination and the Rights of the Disabled, 74 Georgetown Law Journal 1435 (1986).
- Disparate Impact of Teacher Competency Testing on Minorities: Don't Blame the Test-Takers -- or the Tests, 4 Yale Law & Policy Review 375 (1986).
- Recent Legal Issues in Competency Testing for Teachers in Testing for Teacher Certification (Gorth, W. & Chernoff, M., eds., 1985).
- Faculty Desegregation: The Law and Its Implementation (with Arthur R. Block), ERIC/CUE Urban Directory Services Monograph No. 86, Fall, 1983.
- The Courts' New Role, Social Policy, Spring, 1982.
- Educational Voucher Reform: Empirical Insights from the Experience of New York's Schools for the Handicapped, 14 Urban Lawyer 441 (1982).
- Implementation of Court Mandates Concerning Special Education: The Problems and the Potential, 10 Journal of Law & Education 335 (1981).
- Competence Assessment and the Courts: An Overview of the State of the Law (with Arthur R. Block), in The Assessment of Occupational Competence, ERIC Document No. ED 192-169, 1980.
- Non-Public Schools for Special education in New York State: An Experiment in Alternative Education, The Forum, June, 1979.
- Recent Developments in Equal Employment Opportunity Law and Their effect on Teacher Credentialing Practices, A.A.C.T.E. Annual Meeting Proceedings, Washington, D.C., 1977.
- The Law, the Courts and Teacher Credentialing Reform in Licensing and Accreditation in Education (Levitov, N., ed., 1976).
- Dropout Prevention: A Legal Route, New York University Education Quarterly, Winter 1975.
- New York City's School Decentralization Law, Two and Half Years Later, 2 Journal of Law & Education 1 (1973).
- Undisclosed Informant Information and the Fourth Amendment: A Search for Meaningful Standards, 81 Yale Law Journal 703 (1972).
- Community Development in Africa, Peace Corps Volunteer, July 1967.
Related Articles
ORLA 4501, Fall 2010, Professor Michael A. Rebell